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Competition Analysis

Our goal is to rival many of the top magazines by delving into a variety of topics that interest the affluent reader, both men and women.

While popular magazines such as Vogue, In Style and W offer fashion, beauty and celebrity news, they attract a primarily female audience. 54% of W’s content is devoted to fashion and 73% of their readers are women. POWER® Magazine is seeking both men and women readers with content inclusive of fashion, beauty and celebrities, but also spanning the topics of business, technology, health, sports, travel, home and lifestyles. Also, POWER® will cater to a more successful audience who, on average, earn more than US $100,000 a year. While only 36% of W’s readers are in this income bracket, POWER Magazine’s readers have more purchasing power than the average reader of any style-focused magazine.

POWER® Magazine has its own niche. Town and Country is an affluent lifestyle magazine which covers “fashion, travel, design, beauty, health, the arts and antiques.” Similarly, Robb Report covers these issues for a higher income bracket. However, POWER® features a much wider spectrum of general interest topics, primarily by covering the alluring news of Hollywood and featuring profiles of various successful individuals. POWER® combines all of the foregoing with business and financial coverage not found in other lifestyle magazines.

POWER® seeks to fulfill the world’s infatuation with Hollywood in a sophisticated and glamorous way, by profiling notable lifestyles filled with fame and fortune. Additionally, POWER®’s goal is to provide a haven of trends, advice and knowledge for those who enjoy the luxurious life, pinpointing the “best of the best” for the A-list reader.

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